Aurelius Knowledge Wednesdays 8.3.16: Better Than Human: Why Robots Will – And Must – Take Our Jobs
At first glance this article comes across as odd, the featured image of Jimmy Fallon in bed with a female robot does not help subside the oddity of the article. Robots are going to take over all our jobs? In my head I’m picturing “I, Robot” style robots sitting in office cubicles answering calls, sorting papers and sending emails. As I read the article I realized how moronic my preconceptions were; the robots the article is talking about are robots we already utilize today. For example, we already have robots that fly airplanes called “Autopilot”, Tesla’s are driving themselves and Roomba’s are cleaning our floors. Robots are all around us today we just don’t think about everything they do for us. We should not be scared of what a future full of robots entails. We should welcome these changes with welcome arms because they simplify our lives and make us safer.
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